He'll pull you inside with him, to a full-blown firefight.Ĭrouch behind the low wall and target the baddies (Russians, in this case). Smoke goes inside and the sh*t hits the fan. Park in the red marker and watch the cut scene. Get in the ride and roll over to the marker, as always. This is yet another opportunity to cart Smoke around. Upon arriving, you'll finish the mission and earn some respect. When he does, hightail it back to Smoke's place. You'll split from the train's path for a bit, but keep track of it on the mini-map, and rejoin it before it heads into the tunnel below. As the train chugs on, take the dirt path when Smoke tells you. Swerve around it to the right, then get back up front (even with the first car to the right) and continue the assault. Watch out when Smoke tells you there's an oncoming train. Get up close to the first car on the train and Smoke will fire on the Vagos up top. It's okay to drive on the tracks-the bike will make it. Get on the bike, wait for smoke to get on, and take off after the train.

In the words of Smoke, you gotta "get those fools." When you arrive, you'll see a bunch of Vagos running along the top of a train. Smoke needs you to drive him to Unity Station, so follow the marker and park in the red spot, as per usual.

Starting to get a little suspicious? Perhaps. The cops are once again at Smoke's house when you arrive. Once you put him out of his misery, the mission will end. He's got a gun, but if you keep the punches coming, he'll be unable to do anything. Gun him down if you have a weapon or just run right up to him and start the beating. Follow him and climb the fences yourself, chasing him through the backyards. He'll run into the nearby neighborhood and scale some fences. Tap the run button to super sprint, and follow the guy using the mini-map. When you take control again, you'll be in pursuit of a rival gang member. When you get there, watch the cut scene play out. As always, it's as simple as following the map to the marker. Once that encounter ends, it's time to get in the car again and drive Smoke to the swap meet. This mission begins with a run in with the cops. OG Loc missions will now be available at this location between certain times.

Go around the back and park on the red marker to end the mission and earn your respect.

Get back on the bike and follow the yellow marker to the Burger Shot to drop OG Loc off at his new job. Turn around and fire on him until he drops. Follow Freddy up the stairs, and get off the bike. The ride ends in the center of East Los Santos. Even if you wreck the bike a couple of times, you can still get up and continue. The chase goes all over Los Santos, and the mission is pretty forgiving. Just hang close to the red dot on the map, and wait for him to resurface. If you happen to lose him momentarily, don't worry about it too much. Freddy likes to make fast cuts that smash you into walls and fences. You can't actually shoot Freddy off of his bike, you just have to keep pace with him as he winds through the city. Instead of going balls-out the whole way, take it steady and don't go out of control. Freddy will attempt to outrun you on his motorcycle, and what follows is a long, long chase through the city. Ring the doorbell and watch the cutscene.